
Penalty Rates Inquiry

On 24 July 2017, Ai Group filed a detailed submission in a Senate Penalty Rates Inquiry. The submission argues that: Claims that enterprise agreements give large employers a competitive advantage over smaller businesses are not correct. Claims that many enterprise...

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Family And Domestic Violence Leave Case

Ai Group made a further submission on 1 September 2017 on the “preliminary view” of the Full Bench in the Family and Domestic Violence Leave Case that all award-covered employees should have access to unpaid domestic violence leave and should be able to access their...

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Building code 2016 DEVELOPMENTS

Key transitional arrangements applying to the Code for the Tendering and Performance of Building Work 2016 (Building Code 2016) came to an end on the 31 August 2017. The Building Code 2016 contains detailed requirements regarding enterprise agreement content, site...

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Rates of pay: Tenders due today

Employers regularly secure work by tendering for contracts on projects which include pricing for materials and labour. As part of the tender process, budget review process or throughout the life of a project, a head contractor will often confirm the rates being used...

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Working with children checks: Prior criminal convictions

For many employers, employees may require government clearances to perform their duties. These may include licences, working with children checks, or industry specific qualifications. Difficulty may arise when such clearances become complicated by prior criminal...

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