
Bullying: Prevention before the Fair Work Commission steps in

The recent Fair Work Commission decisions in Brown v Park Beach Bowling Club Limited [2017] FWC 896 (Park Beach Bowling) highlights several important issues for employer’s who are subject to a complaint of bullying. The Low Burden to Make an Application In February...

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Employee Surveys: Help or hindrance

Employee surveys can provide great feedback about the current sentiment, mood and opinions of employees. Such surveys can be utilised by employers to guide their long term strategic planning or budget planning as the end of the financial year approaches. Surveys may...

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Building Code 2016 Developments

On 9 August 2017, the Senate will consider a motion proposed by Labor Senator Doug Cameron that the Code for the Tendering and Performance of Building Work 2016 (Building Code 2016) be disallowed. It is unlikely that the Senate will support the disallowance motion but...

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FWC casual and part-time employment decision

On 6 July, a five-Member Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission’s (FWC) handed down its decision in the Casual and Part-time Employment Case. Most of the unions’ claims, which would have wreaked havoc on Australia’s labour market, were rejected. The decision will...

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Family and domestic violence leave case

Split decisions have been issued by the three Members of the FWC Full Bench that heard the Family and Domestic Violence Leave Case in which the ACTU sought 10 days of paid domestic violence leave. On 3 July 2017, Deputy President Gooley and Commissioner Spencer handed...

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Increased Wage Rates and Allowances

The Expert Panel of the Fair Work Commission has handed down its Annual Wage Review 2016-17 Decision.  Key elements of the decision include: Award wage rates for full-time adult employees will be increased by 3.3 per cent; Junior, apprentice and trainee wage rates...

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What to do when an employee is called up for jury duty?

Jury duty doesn’t come up often. However, when employees are called to make a contribution to our judicial system it can be impactful on your workplace for a few hours or maybe as long as a few months. In this context, it is important to understand your obligations as...

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