Ai Group Workplace Lawyers are a team of multi-faceted and multi-skilled practitioners who offer expertise across the full spectrum of employment and industrial law. Many of our lawyers come from nationally recognised law firms, bringing with them years of corporate...

Why Ai Group Workplace Lawyers have the edge on employment law

Understanding Market Benchmarking
You may have heard of market benchmarking in the context of remuneration planning or enterprise agreement negotiations, but what is it and what are the benefits? Karen Nelson, Ai Group Workplace Relations Practice Leader for Western Australia, says market benchmarking...

Victorian employers, your occupational health and safety obligations have changed
From 17 March 2022, Victorian employers have new obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic) (OHS Act). The key amendments expand the definition of a notifiable incident and make changes to prohibition notices. Notifiable incidents Your...

Extension of Time to Make an Unfair Dismissal Application was Granted in Circumstances where Information of the Termination was Withheld from the Applicant by His Family
On 31 August 2021, the Fair Work Commission handed down its decision in Halil Goren v Tradelink Pty Limited [2021] FWC 5386. Mr Goren worked for Tradelink as a delivery driver for approximately five years. In September 2020, he applied for and was granted a period of...

Outcome of the inquiry into the Coal Long Service Leave framework
On 16 February, the Federal Government released the final report of the Independent Inquiry into the Coal Long Service Leave Framework (Inquiry) and the Government’s response to the Inquiry recommendations. Ai Group was heavily involved in the Inquiry, which was...

Working from home and return to the workplace arrangements
Many employers whose employees have worked at home for an extended period during the pandemic are currently giving consideration to what arrangements should be implemented for the future. Issues for employers to consider include: Employers have broad rights to issue...

New advice from Safe Work Australia and the FWO regarding rapid antigen testing
Safe Work Australia (SWA) and the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) have published advice for employers on WHS and industrial relations issues concerning rapid antigen testing. Amongst other relevant issues, the SWA advice highlights the obligations that employers have under...

Important high court judgments on the meaning of an independent contractor
The High Court has handed down important judgments in two cases that provide guidance on the meaning of an independent contractor. The judgments in these cases give a lot more emphasis to the terms of the written contract between the business and the worker than the...

CFMMEU v Mt Arthur Mandatory Vaccine Case
A five-member Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission (FWC) recently heard a union challenge to a BHP requirement that its employees on the Mount Arthur coal mine site in New South Wales must be vaccinated in order to enter the site. The Full Bench invited Ai Group and...

Further Case Regarding the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010
A separate application seeking to vary the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010 (SCHADS Award) is currently being considered by the Fair Work Commission (FWC). On 6 April 2020, an employee covered by the SCHADS Award made an...