Susan Babidge
Legal Practitioner Director
Susan is a Practising Solicitor of 17 years’ post admission experience and has worked for Ai Group Workplace Lawyers since September 2019. Susan has provided independent legal advice to Boards, HR Managers, Executives, CEOs and business owners about all aspects of workplace related legal issues including in respect to engagement issues and employment contracts, restructures and redundancy, compliance issues including pay audits and interpretation of awards and enterprise agreements, enterprise bargaining, workplace investigations, day-to-day employment and HR issues, managing ill and injured employees, employment related issues in commercial transactions and employment related disputes in both State and Federal jurisdictions.
Prior to joining Ai Group, Susan worked in private practice in both Sydney and NSW and was most recently a partner of her former firm. Susan also has experience working in the public sector, having worked for the Employee Management Branch of the NSW Police Force and on secondment to the internal investigations team of RailCorp, NSW.