If you have just emerged from a bruising workplace relations encounter, it’s time to take stock and see what can be learned from the process.
Our review process will give you an opportunity for professional development and a chance to learn from a difficult experience. You will discover how you can set yourself up to ensure a smoother process in the future and upskill your managers to avoid the situations from arising again.
This service includes
- Debrief and analysis of a large and/or particularly difficult employee relations matter e.g. after an unfair dismissal claim, a general protections claim, a difficult termination, a workplace investigation or a serious employee complaint
- revealing what happened to cause the issue, what can be learned from it and how it could be avoided next time
- identifying any training opportunities or any further improvements that can be made to your policies and processes to try and avoid the same thing happening again in the future
While it may be painful to revisit your mistakes, this exercise is essential avoid a repeat occurrence of a significant employee issue in your workplace or even facing sanctions from the Fair Work Commission. It can also be a valuable tool when developing the strategy and planning for enterprise bargaining or a restructure.